Competitive strategy
<Lecture> Competitive strategy Session 3 : July 8 (14:30 - 16:30) Subject: Competitive strategy Case for the class discussion: "Mizuho Farmers Market" Assiqnments Mizuho is often described here as one of success cases. Supposing you accept notion, find out evidence that shows you the success. Analyse the backgrounds for Mizuho's success. 3. What do you think is a good strategy? Tsuneo YAHAGI ,Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, Keio University The Overseas Human Resources and Industry Development Association HIDA In Japan, it is said that there are about 16,g00 direct sales shops for agricultural products that are operated by various types of entities. One of their features that attract consumers is "selling fresh agricultural products at a cheaper price" and it is a common image of the direct sales shops among consumers. Under such situation, "Mizuho Farmers Market"; hereinafter referred to ...